
Corporate Philosophy & Management

Through sustainable and fair company management practices, we strive to achieve long-term success together with our employees and to shape the future along the entire pharmaceutical supply chain.

Our vision is to be the best integrated healthcare provider – wherever we are. Key message from the PHOENIX group's corporate mission statement
Harald Eisenmann

Harald Eisenmann

Harald Eisenmann

Our focus on integrated, cross-border structures is reflected in our guiding principles. These are valid for our daily business and for every single employee of PHOENIX Pharmahandel GmbH & Co KG.


Value Statement

  • Objectives

    As stated in the key message from the PHOENIX group’s corporate mission statement, we strive, through sustainable and fair company management practices, to achieve long-term success together with our employees and to shape the future along the entire pharmaceutical supply chain.

    More information on the PHOENIX group’s corporate mission statement can be found here.

  • Value drivers

    Employees and managers

    Every one of our employees and managers is key to our value-driven company management. The professional and social skills and personal commitment of each of them help us achieve common goals and contribute to the long-term success of our company. We consider individual commitment to be a prerequisite for outstanding achievements. Motivating employees appropriately is therefore a central task of management.

    Procurement processes

    The quality of our operational and strategic procurement processes impacts the effectiveness and efficiency of the PHOENIX group, while also increasing customer and supplier satisfaction. Through a policy of strategy- and customer-focused procurement processes, we have therefore directed all of our procurement activities to focus on the strategic goals of the PHOENIX group and the needs of customers and other interest groups. Continuous auditing and improvement of our business processes form the basis for continual gains in process performance. Structures and workflows are therefore adjusted and creatively improved on an ongoing basis.

    Supplier management

    Progressive supplier management is more than just a method for assessing and selecting potential or existing suppliers. By sustainably optimising cooperative business relationships with suppliers, we are creating added value. We foster the development of mutual performance levels by making our suppliers’ performance comparable, identifying risks, and pointing out optimisation potential. Procurement strategies specific to individual product groups can thus be defined, supply risks avoided, and dependencies minimised.

  • Quality


    At PHOENIX Pharma-Einkauf GmbH, the guiding principles of our business policy and quality ethos are always taken into account. For our customers’ benefit, we are particularly committed to achieving outstanding quality.

    The results of our work must meet the highest quality standards. Quality here refers to the accuracy and completeness as much as to the speed at which we provide our services. Every employee is responsible for the quality and professionalism of his or her work.

    We aim to have a precise understanding of our customers’ expectations and requirements, harmonise these with the quality of our service, and fulfil the commitments we have made in their entirety.


    It is our conviction that only together with our customers and with the involvement of our suppliers can a lasting basis for continuous quality improvement be created by identifying weaknesses and eliminating them permanently.


    Routine self-inspections in accordance with Section 7c of the German Ordinance on the Trade with Medicinal Products are performed at defined intervals, in continuous compliance with the GDP and the provisions of DIN EN ISO 9001:ff.

PHOENIX group Compliance Management

As part of the PHOENIX group, compliance is a central component of our corporate culture. To successfully meet the standards of quality management, the PHOENIX group compliance management defines a framework for action for all employees.

The associated compliance system is a mandatory guide comprising three components: